Nazir Doğan Code Blog

The Structure of Cocos2d-JS Project

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Cocos2d-js project structure is really simple to understand. so let's look at screenshoot of a folder with a Cocos2d-js project.

Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 21.39.17

  •  The frameworks  directory, its contains Cocos2d-html5 engine and the Cocos2d-x JavaScript Bindings and Runtime including iOS/MacOSX/Android/Linux/Windows platforms.
  • The res  directory, resources folder of the project must save all images, audio, fonts, animations, etc.
  • The runtime directory , its including all executables package under development.
  • The src directory ,  The most important directory is src directory .Because your game business logic in written in there.
  • index.html   The main web page of project.  You can access when you start web server .
  • main.js  is the starter script  of project.contains initialization code
  • project.json   Project configuration file, detailed information can be found in here.
